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The City That Care Forgot and The City That Never Sleeps
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 Scare || Lily

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4 participants
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 21:08

Mac missed the comfort of his own bed
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 19:04

-This is good news if you can go home next week.

She smiled happy. The week had passed quickly, they were finally home with their daughter.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 19:38

Mac was back in his own bed
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 21:45

Lily was so happy to be back at home, she lay beside him in bed

-It's feels good to be back.

She smiled seeing Isabella with them in bed.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 22:13

Mac smiled as he was glad to be home with his family again


Lily had to ask her friend why Isabella didn't like her and would be shocked when the truth was revealed
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 19:42

Lily went to see Jaclyn to find out what had happened with Isabella. She never would have thought that this woman she considered has a friend had done that to her daughter. Of course she talked about it to Mac, and Jaclyn had been arrested by the police for beating a minor with a belt. Lily was angry, she never would have thought of such a thing. She trusted Jaclyn her only friend, now she had no trust in her. She looked at the interrogation that Stella was doing. Lily felt that her only real friend Stella wanted to kill Jaclyn for what she did to Isabella.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 20:01

Mac was at home with Isabella, he saw the bruising from the belt on his daughter's side and back, he was pissed off, but Isabella cried on his shoulder and Mac held her close to him, he had no idea that Jaclyn would also say nasty spiteful things about him too...
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Stella Bonasera
Stella Bonasera

Messages : 405
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 20:31

Stella had spent a long interview with Jaclyn. When she was out of the room, she comforted Lily crying in his arms.

-Bonasera You know, you should have to go to jail too. You killed a man after all.

She watched Jaclyn handcuffed and being escorted by two police officer to the car outside for her destination to prison. Jaclyn said some words that made her angry, never Stella lost his control. But she did, and she push her to the wall.

-You are very lucky that you're still alive, because you could end up like him rightly.

Stella had been brought Lily to her apartment.
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 20:36

Lily did not know what she would have done if Stella had not been there during the interrogation when Jaclyn was escorted to the prison. She had not even retained Stella when she was pushed to the wall this criminal. She would have done the same, she saw how Stella was protecting her family, she was ready to kill.

-Thank you for everything Stella...

She had cried in his arms for a moment, the two had cried. Lily went up to their apartment with Stella.

-Hey, I'm back, she said to Mac and their daughter.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 20:57

Isabella just stayed with her daddy, she needed him right now, even Stell had not seen the bruising on Isabella's back and side yet, nor had Lily but only Mac had seen it
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:03

-She holding up?

Lily had tears in his eyescaressing her daughter's hair. She gave a hug to his daughter and Mac. She felt Stella in her back giving a hug too.

-We will overcome this together, we are a family okay? said Stella

-I know...said Lily crying softly.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:06

"She just wants me right now, the brusing is horrible and she doesn't like to be touched there, it's bad Lily" , Mac said as Isabella just huddled in closer to her daddy
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:15

-Probably a cream to help relieve pain, or something will help her. You're safe Isabella, you'll be fine.
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Stella Bonasera
Stella Bonasera

Messages : 405
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:19

-A warm bath will be good for her without anything, otherwise it will heat her skin. I'll go to the pharmacy for a cream that also helps.

Stella wiped her cheeks, she knew the pain.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:21

Isabella only wanted her daddy and she trusted him
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:27

-Stell are you sure...

Lily understood, Stella knew what was that pain because of Frankie. Later, she came back with the cream,she thanked her. Lily helped Mac to make sure the health of their daughter was well.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:34

Isabella only allowed her daddy to put the cream on her side and back, he was gentle with her, even as he put the cream on, Lily saw just how horrible it was, she knew that Mac was right when he had said that it was bad, after Mac put the cream on Isabella, she just curled up into him and tried to get some sleep, she was scared to be alone at night
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:41

Lily looked at the bedroom door how his daughter was hurt. She was trying as much as possible not to cry in front of her. Lily had heart trouble, how someone could hurt a child.

Jaclyn had also destroyed her relationship with her daughter, she was afraid of women. Lily could not take his daughter in his arms. She went out on the balcony looking at the view of the city. She had tears running down her cheeks.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:47

Mac went to see her, he was holding Isabella at the same time, when Isabella gripped his shirt but Mac had a way to calm her down

Dernière édition par Mac Taylor le Sam 22 Aoû - 21:51, édité 1 fois
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:51

-How we overcome this ... how we take life when we were beaten by someone .....

She stared at a empty spot, tears flow down her cheeks.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 21:54

"We will find a way to overcome this princess, I promise you that" , Mac said when Isabella softly cried a little and just remained with her daddy
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 22:03

-And if Isabella will never see me ... if I can'r take my little daughter in my arms ....

Their son was crying in his room for his milk. Lily was going to warm the milk and then she gave him his bottle cradling him.A week was through, she still had not had any approach to her daughter. She needed to talk with someone who had to go through it. After his day with Stella, she was back at the apartment. She looked at her daughter, she wanted to take her in his arms.

-Give her a smile Lily, said Stella.

-What if...

-Just do it.

Lily look at Isabella with a smile.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 22:07

Isabella was still wary and wondered where her daddy was
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 22:15

-Hey baby girl.

Lily sighed, she saw that her daughter was still scared, she looked Stella for help.

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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 EmptySam 22 Aoû - 22:20

Isabella wanted her daddy
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Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 3 Empty

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Scare || Lily
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