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The City That Care Forgot and The City That Never Sleeps
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 Scare || Lily

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4 participants
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyVen 4 Sep - 21:01

Isabella was glad to have her uncle around
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyVen 4 Sep - 21:13

A few weeks had passed, of course Stella and Jason was back. It was the big day because Lily wanted to know the sex of the baby.

-I bet it a girl mister Taylor, after two boys, she need a girl.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyVen 4 Sep - 21:20

Mac chuckled as he held Isabella who had gripped his shirt tightly, she was still scared
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Stella Bonasera
Stella Bonasera

Messages : 405
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 19:34

Stella and Jason was go see them to tell them the good news. She laughed to see his beautiful girlfriend to know the baby's gender.

-Okay, so I'll say before Lily becomes impatient.

She smiled

-We having a....girl!
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 19:54

Lily jumped for joy because she was so happy for them.

-I knew it!

She hugged Stella and Jason.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 20:31

Isabella went straight to her uncle Jay for cuddles
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 20:36

-Hey baby girl, you heard that! You will have a cousin!

He laid a kiss on his cheek.

-And uncle Jay, found a dress for you.

They went to the living room and helped her niece to unwrap his gift. She had a beautiful pink princess dress with a crown.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 20:39

Isabella loved it and she cuddled her uncle, Lily had no idea when her own daugther would go near her again
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 21:01

Lily smiled softly, she misses cuddling with Isabella.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 21:02

Isabella allowed her uncle Jay to check her sore side to see how it was healing
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 21:07

Jason saw his wounds healed slowly.

-You tell me if I hurt you okay?

Gently he put the cream on his wounds.

-It is the doctor who prescribed this cream? he ask to Mac.

He did not know it was Stella who bought it.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 21:10

Isabella softly sighed, she looked up to him with a look of sadness as she needed him more, when her dad said that Stell had gotten the cream for Isabella, who then gripped her uncle's hand tightly as she just wanted him to hold her
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 21:46

Jason realized that Stella had the same cream when she was hurt by her ex. He hated that Stellait has experienced this, as Isabella to his young age.

-Everything will be okay, it's a magic cream. If she heals your aunt, it will also heal you.

After putting his cream, he helped Isabella put a new pajamas, he rocked her in his arms.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptySam 5 Sep - 22:08

Isabella had a grip of his shirt as she went off to sleep, she didn't want him to go
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyDim 6 Sep - 19:44

Jason stayed with her for a moment.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyDim 6 Sep - 20:05

Isabella had a tight grip of his shirt, she grizzled as she was having a nightmare
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyDim 6 Sep - 20:20

Jason had hugged her when he saw she had a nightmare. He gently rocked to comfort her when she'd wake up crying.

-It's okay baby girl, I'm there.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyDim 6 Sep - 20:30

Isabella looked up at him with tears rolling down her cheeks, she was so scared
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyDim 6 Sep - 20:37

Jason wiped her tears on her cheeks, he sang a lullaby to calm her.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyDim 6 Sep - 20:42

Isabella just gripped his shirt as she softly sniffled before closing her eyes agai, Lily overheard her little girl crying and saw Jason with her
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyLun 7 Sep - 16:02

Lily was going to see if Isabella was OK, she heard her daughter cry. When she went to see near the door of the room, she smiled gently seeing that Jason took care of her.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyLun 7 Sep - 17:31

Isabella trusted her uncle Jay, she just needed him and her dad, they were tthe only two that Isabella trusted for now
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyLun 7 Sep - 18:23

Lily wondered if one day she would find her daughter, reconnect with her.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyLun 7 Sep - 18:29

Isabella needed time
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Jason Franklin

Jason Franklin

Messages : 287
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2015
Age : 64
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 EmptyLun 7 Sep - 18:35

Jason had not realized that he had slept with her niece, he was protecting her from his nightmare.
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Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 10 Empty

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Scare || Lily
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