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The City That Care Forgot and The City That Never Sleeps
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 Scare || Lily

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4 participants
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:27

-You slept almost an entire day. But you needed it.

When the doctor come in to the room, she let him do his job.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:54

As the doctor checked Mac over and the doctor helped Mac to get comfy in the bed, after the doctor left, Mac settled in bed, he softly sighed
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 20:51

Lily went back to sit on the bed.

-Are you hungry? Or need something?
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 20:56

"Where is our little girl?", Mac asked
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 22:14

-With my friend Jaclyn, I could not leave her to his uncle and aunt because you had to ask me to promise you to tell them anything.

Isabella join them later happy to see his dad and his mom.

-Did you have fun with Jaclyn?

Isabella shrugged cuddling his father.


-Why I was not with my uncle and auntie and cousins?

-Because we did not want to worry about the health of dad.

-I would never return with U friend, I do not like her. She is not funny as Lala.

Lily felt bad.

-I'm sorry baby, I would never do it anymore.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 22:29

Mac let Isabella cuddle into him and she then wanted stay with her daddy and she just stayed close to him
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 16:22

Lily had the opportunity to go for something to eat. She was later back with some food. She smile watching Mac and her daughter.

-So I had orange chicken for my dear husband and a happy meal for my princess.

-Thanks mommy!

Isabella sits staying close to his father.

-Seriously you must be the only one on this planet to eat orange chicken.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 16:44

Mac just smirked and ate his orange chicken, he was happy
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 18:52

Lily smiled softly eating her meal. Isabella was playing with his toy that came with his happy meal. The day had passed quickly and Isabella slept against his father.

-Who could keep our daughter for tonight, she doesn't like to stay with my friend.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 19:09

Isabella then mentioned about staying with her daddy
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 20:04

Lily had made her understand that she could not because they were in the hospital.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 20:08

Isabella was just as stubborn as her dad
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 20:45

Lily asked the doctor if her daughter could stay for the night, but they refused.

-I'm sorry my dear, but they refuse. It's just for the night, you're going back tomorrow morning.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 21:03

Isabella didn't want to be parted from her daddy
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMar 18 Aoû - 19:18

Lily did not want to argue with her daughter, she let fall knowing that doctors would still prevent them. She was going sought a water bottle out of the room, but came right away in the room.

-What there was Mommy?

-Aunt Stella, and we promised not to say anything ...
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMar 18 Aoû - 19:32

Mac was asleep
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMar 18 Aoû - 20:57

Lily was sleeping on the couch by the bed and Isabella slept with his dad.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMar 18 Aoû - 21:05

Mac had his arm on his daughter's back
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 19:42

Isabella overnight it was even hug his dad. She slept in the fetal position.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 20:05

Mac kept her warm with his blanket
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 20:23

The next day, Lily bought breakfast and had again crossed Stella. This time his friend had seen her, she lie to her for what she was doing at the hospital. Stella saw Lily lie to her,but she smiled saying nothing.

-Here's the breakfast, she said coming in the room

Lily was very quiet during the meal.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Aoû - 20:33

Mac was sitting up and he was starting to recover
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 19:32

-You feel better my love?

Lily had never left his side, she stayed in the room since arriving at the hospital. She smiled caressing his cheek.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 20:10

Mac nodded
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 EmptyJeu 20 Aoû - 20:38

-You're so strong, I am proud of you, you know.

She kissed him with love. Doctors had them the good news, they can go back home in one week.
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Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Scare || Lily    Scare || Lily  - Page 2 Empty

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Scare || Lily
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