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 First met, love at first sight?

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4 participants
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 14:23

Mac thought about his future with Lily
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 15:01

She throw a trombone to his office.

-Houston we have a problem! (i know hahaha )

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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 15:12

Mac was on the phone to Danny who told him that little Lucy was sick and that the only other blood match was Mac and he agreed to go up to NY and do that, he ended the call and left his office and walked outside, he was alone
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 16:05

Lily caught up outside, she wondered where he was going. She knew that Lucy was ill and she was worried. She asked him if he wanted her to be at her side.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 16:08

"I have to go back to NY, Lucy needs a blood transfusion and I'm gonna help her" , Mac said as he tried not to cry
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 18:48

She hugged him in her arms when she saw him sad, she comforted him by telling him that Lucy would heal well. Lily also told him that Lucy have a godfather with magical powers.

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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyVen 26 Juin - 19:03

Mac held her close, he was gonna miss her when he left for NY


The following day, Mac got a flight to NY and he sent her a msg letting him know that he was in NY, he knew that she would miss him until he got back
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 16:31

Lily thought much Mac, she had told Stella about Lucy, but she was already at the Current. They had many prayed that Lucy is better. One night Lily phoned Mac for news.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 16:43

Danny answered Mac's phone and told Lily that Mac was asleep and mentioned that the transfusion had went well and Lucy was sleeping too
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 18:29

Lily was pleased with the news, she asked him to kiss Lucy from her. After her call, she took the opportunity to spend time with her best friend. She kept her phone close if ever Mac call.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 18:33

Mac had been in NY for a few days and he was packing to head back home to Lily, he got a present for their baby and he wanted to surprise Lily when he got back and once Mac was back home, he knew that Lily was out and he put the teddy bear in their baby's room and went for a rest, when Lily got back and she went into their room but got a shock when she found Mac asleep on their bed
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 20:08

Lily had gone make provisions when Mac went back. She has noticed his presence when she went to get changed. She had a huge smile and lie down beside her kissing him.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 20:12

Mac smiled as his hand went to her tummy
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 20:46

-Lucy'll always better?

She stroked his cheek and kissing him.

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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 20:48

"She looks better when I saw her before I left to come back and she just got cuddles", Mac told her
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 21:02

-I told you, your blood is magic.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 21:06

Mac smiled and kissed her
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 21:50

During her pregnancy Mac had been wounded, one month had pass since. The chamber their daughter was finally ready. Lily was on maternity leave in advance, her boss did not want her to be stressing, especially since the accident with Mac.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptySam 27 Juin - 21:55

Mac had been very loving to Lily
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyDim 28 Juin - 15:39

Before she can not travel because of her pregnancy, they had been in California to spend time with the Lily's parent. Lily had to visit places she loved with Mac , they were often on the beach.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyDim 28 Juin - 16:20

Mac was happy with Lily, her dad had finally came around to the idea of his little girl being happy with Mac
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyDim 28 Juin - 18:52

Lily was glad that his father finally appreciate Mac. He had the chance to see the entire family of his girlfriend.

-So you like california? she said in a romantique dîner by the beach
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyDim 28 Juin - 18:56

"It's beautiful", Mac said
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyDim 28 Juin - 19:46

-If I had not been pregnant, I would have shown you my passion for surfing, but next time I want to.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 EmptyDim 28 Juin - 19:50

Mac smiled, then he kissed her
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First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? - Page 6 Empty

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First met, love at first sight?
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