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 First met, love at first sight?

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4 participants
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 21:34

Lily was in the lab with full testing to do. She examined every angles of a knife which was used as a weapon. She took notes in the file after an hour of analysis. The case in hands she was on her way to the police station, she needed information about witnesses who had been at the crime scene. The name of the police officer on this case was Mac Taylor. The New York friend of Stella, she has still not meet him.

Once at the bureau, she entered and was looking at him the famous Mac. She thought back to the description that Stella had given her, but did not see him. Lily read his file and walking into someone tanking.

-I'm sorry, I did not see where I was going.

She picking up some paper fall off to the ground.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 21:44

Mac helped her to pick up the papers from the floor, locking eyes with her, then said "It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either", then Mac softly smiled at her
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 21:59

-Waw, I mean thank you, she said, blushing

She smile back and said:

-If I'm right your Mac.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 22:02

Mac smiled softly, then replied "You're correct. Detective Mac Taylor, and you're Lily right?"
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 22:11

-How do you know my name?

But she smiled and whispering:

-Damn you Bonasera...

She look at him and said:

-Yes I'm Lily Brown. Uhmm I need some information on that case, if you're available.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 22:16

Mac chuckled softly, then said "Stella told me yesterday, I asked her first and she tells me. I have some time now and is there somewhere we can sit and discuss the case?"
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 22:45

-She did the same for me.

She smile and walk to an empty office.

-Uhmm for the vic, is somebody know her? Or does she have family? she said looking at her files.

Listen to his voice made her shiver, but also she was beginning to feel hot. Why? Because of him again or the small room they were in.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 22:48

"Stella was always like that, even back in New York. So far nobody has called to know the ID of the victim" , Mac said then he took his jacket off, only for Lily to notice his toned abs and muscles in the fabric of his dark blue shirt
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 22:57

-You and Stella have a friendship like I never saw. You both prove friendship between a man and a woman exist.

She taken some notes about what he said. And then he took his jacket off. Lily felt her heart stop a few seconds.

*God I'm I going to die here or what.* she think

-And did....I'll be back I need a glass of water.

Lily came back feeling better with her water, but the heat came back.

-Do you have some information we don't have?
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:03

"I've known Stella for a long time, she knew Claire and those two were best friends, up until 9/11" Mac said, he then handed her the info he had on the case, he was already liking the job here
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:18

-Stella was a friend of your wife?Did know that.

Lily smile and said:

-How's the new life and job?
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:24

"So far so good and I think that I made the right choice to come here and gives me the chance to work with Stell again" Mac said with a soft smile
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:36

-Stella told me the same thing and I look forward to working with you. And better know each other's.

She gave him a big smile and her eyes was really bright.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:42

Mac smiled and then whispered "Me too" into her ear, before he leant back into his chair once more
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:53

Lily felt a shiver run down his spine when he whispered in her ear. She felt her heart beat faster and warmth in her belly.

-How..about a...uhmm coffee. I think they have an air conditioning problem.

She felt her legs shaking when she was walking.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyDim 21 Juin - 23:57

Mac smiled and nodded in agreement with her suggestion about coffee, Mac then wrapped his arm around her so she could steady herself again
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 0:20

Lily felt her sweet perfume when he put his arm around her. His heart beat faster. Once outside the fresh air felt her better, the coffee place was right next door. She realized what falling in love means.

Once seated a coffee in hand she said:

-So You grew up in New York?
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 0:24

Mac took a drink of his coffee, then smiled and replied, "I'm actually from Chicago, I moved to New York in the early 90's with Claire and was a beat cop before I went to CSI"
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 0:30

-Waw, known you were in the army before that.

She drinks her coffee and said:

-I'm from California. What's your favorite pastime?
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 0:34

"Playing Bass, also Skyping with my goddaughter Lucy and her parents too" Mac said as his hand accidently brushed her's
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 0:51

-Oh that's so sweet, how old Lucy is ?And one day I hope seeing you playing bass.

She shivered again when his hand brushed hers.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 0:53

"She's 4 years old and so cute, she looks like her dad Danny. I hope so too" Mac said with a soft smile, he didn't notice that his hand had moved onto the top of her's
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 1:06

-You seem to have great friends in New York.

Without realizing she gently caressing his hand.
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 1:17

Mac nodded in reply, he then let his fingers entwine with her's in a gentle way, they then left the coffee shop and Mac gently lead her to an alley not far from PD, he placed his hand on her cheek, before he lightly placed a soft kiss on her cheek, when it lead to them sharing a kiss
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Lily Brown Taylor

Lily Brown Taylor

Messages : 1224
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Age : 43
Localisation : New Orleans

First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? EmptyLun 22 Juin - 11:19

Lily can't be more happy now, she thought she was the only one about this feeling. And that kiss on her cheek was so soft. She approached even more to kiss him back but on his lips.
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First met, love at first sight? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First met, love at first sight?   First met, love at first sight? Empty

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First met, love at first sight?
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