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 Mac Taylor Bio

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2 participants
Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Mac Taylor Bio Empty
MessageSujet: Mac Taylor Bio   Mac Taylor Bio EmptySam 20 Juin - 14:47

Name: Taylor

First name: McKenna Llewellyn 'Mac'

Age: 49

Sex: Male

Nationality: American

Date of Birth: 1st November 1965

Group that you want to be: Detective

Character History:

Mac is the son of McKenna Boyd Taylor and Millie (maiden name unknown). The elder Taylor served in the United States Army during World War II as a member of the 6th Armored Division, which liberated the concentration camp Buchenwald. In a taped interview, an elderly Holocaust survivor recounts how Mac's father, then a young Private, restored his dignity and even offered him a candy bar.

After being demobilized, Mac's father worked as a mechanic in the South Side of Chicago, where Mac was raised. In the final episode of season 8 Mac was revealed to have Welsh heritage, and has the middle name Llewellyn.

Mac's father died of small-cell lung cancer and spent the last eight months of his life in bed on a feeding tube. As a result, Mac has come to believe strongly in a person’s right to a dignified death. However, when his father begged him to pull the plug, Mac couldn’t do it.

Mac was married to New York City native Claire Conrad. They married not long before Mac's father died, presumably during the late 1980s and the couple had no children, though Claire had a child named Reed Garrett from a previous relationship, who she had since put up for adoption. Mac once described Claire as 5'6, athletic, with light brown hair and big blue eyes. Claire was killed in the September 11 attacks and her death troubles and pains him to this day, causing chronic insomnia. After her death, Mac got rid of everything that reminded him of her, except pictures and a beach ball she had blown up, saying, "Her breath is still in there". Her remains were never recovered from the debris of the World Trade Center.

Military Service

It was stated that Mac greatly admired his father and was influenced to join the military and go into law enforcement by him. He once said that he had wanted to serve his country more than anything else in the world. Even as a child, he dressed up in fatigues and pretended to be a soldier rather than a superhero.

Mac followed in his father's footsteps into the military and served in the United States Marine Corps. He was a Lieutenant in the 1st Battalion 8th Marines during the peacekeeping mission to Beirut, Lebanon. In Season 6 it was mentioned that he served in the Gulf War and he is shown wearing the Southwest Asia Service Medal, although he himself has never spoken of the deployment. His decorations include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal and Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal. He was discharged in March 1992 at Camp Lejeune.

While serving in Beirut Mac was injured in the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, from which he still bears a scar over his heart. It is revealed in flashbacks that he had tried but was unable to save a young Marine, Corporal Stan Whitney, who was fatally wounded and the memory still occasionally haunts him, as seen when he had to stabilize a critically injured Don Flack after an explosion in Season 2.

Prior to his father's death, Mac had considered retiring from the Marine Corps to "settle down" and received a job offer from NYPD. He told his father he intended to turn it down and move back to Chicago to be nearer to him but his father encouraged him to take up NYPD's offer since Claire was from New York City.

Details of Mac's military service are sketchy as he has rarely discussed his past to his colleagues but it has been implied that Mac had a distinguished and decorated career as a Marine. There are conflicting details about the rank at which he was discharged as his DD Form 214, as shown in the Season 2 finale, states that he was a Sergeant. In the same episode he stated that he was Lieutenant while serving in Beirut and in Season 6, in a flashback, he is shown to be a Major.

Thanks to his Marine training, he is skilled in unarmed hand-to-hand combat and seems to have an intimate knowledge of a wide range of weaponry, from bows through East Asian weaponry to the more everyday guns and knives. To Mac, the type of weapon used is as revealing as anything else at the scene of the crime.

Mac holds members of the armed forces and law enforcement officers in high esteem and to an even higher standard. He considers a uniform a "badge of honor". As Detective Don Flack once said of him, "Once a Marine, always a Marine".

After being discharged from the Marine Corps, Mac moved to New York City and joined the New York City Police Department. Since then he has called New York home. He once told a colleague that they were working for the "finest city in the finest country in the world".

Mac made a transfer to New Orleans and he's yet to bump into Stella Bonasera who has no idea that Mac now lives in New Orleans and is a Detective with the PD.

Physical Description: 5tft 9, brown hair, green eyes and serious bad ass mentality.

Relationships: Single (After losing Claire on 9/11)
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Stella Bonasera
Stella Bonasera

Messages : 405
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Mac Taylor Bio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mac Taylor Bio   Mac Taylor Bio EmptySam 20 Juin - 14:58

Bienvenue parmis nous!! / Welcome! Ah. So now Am I your boss??? :O
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Mac Taylor Bio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mac Taylor Bio   Mac Taylor Bio EmptySam 20 Juin - 15:01

Hey Stell, been a long time, maybe
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Stella Bonasera
Stella Bonasera

Messages : 405
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Mac Taylor Bio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mac Taylor Bio   Mac Taylor Bio EmptySam 20 Juin - 15:07

I know!!
Ouhhh that's interesting, okay I'll stop joking now. Rolling Eyes
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Mac Taylor

Mac Taylor

Messages : 1800
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2015
Localisation : New Orleans

Mac Taylor Bio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mac Taylor Bio   Mac Taylor Bio EmptySam 20 Juin - 15:24

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